About Tomo No Kai
Tomo No Kai, roughly translating into 'circle of friends', was established on the campus of University of California, Irvine in 1977. We are a cultural and social club that explore the Japanese and Japanese-American cultures. We embody inclusivity and provide an environment where one can find their second home and build everlasting bonds. We strive to teach everyone who is enamored with the Japanese culture with our weekly vocabulary lessons, and our practices and performances of traditional entertainment acts which attempt to portray the Japanese community. Every week we have meetings where we update our general members with events, ongoing programs, and afterwards, we explore the city with our after events by taking the general members out to various locations and food hot spots. Furthermore, we pride ourselves in our involvement with the wider Japanese community through volunteer work and events with the Southern California Nikkei community. Please feel free to reach out to any present cabinet members with any questions or concerns! Don't forget to follow us on our Facebook and Instagram to see the most current events!
Meet Our Cabinet
Learn about each cabinet member and the roles they play in running Tomo No Kai.
Tomo No Times
Find out what’s happening with Tomo No Kai with our monthly newsletter made by our Historian, Yuri Fukuda!