President - Ryan Ehara

As President, it is my duty to maintain the direction and goals of the club and to oversee the other cabinet members and their events. In addition, I am responsible for upholding Tomo No Kai’s traditions and continuing to grow upon the Japanese/Japanese-American culture on UC Irvine’s campus and in the greater JA community.

Contact me at

VIce President - Reese Sunada

As Vice President, one of my responsibilities is to assist the president in maintaining the direction and objectives of Tomo No Kai. I help create the weekly cabinet agenda and am in charge of creating/ distributing the weekly TWIT’s (This Week In Tomo). I also organize Tomo no Kai’s annual Mammoth/ Manzanar Trip in the spring. If you ask any member who’s gone to Mammoth, they’ll say... what happens in Mammoth stays in Mammoth. 

Contact me at

Director Of Public Relations - Eduardo Diego Torres

As Director of Public Relations, I run the intern program and connect us to the local Japanese community. I also act as the liaison between Tomo no Kai and SELANOCO, the Southeast Los Angeles/North Orange County chapter of JACL, the Japanese American Citizens League. I attend the chapter meetings and coordinate joint events between Tomo no Kai and SELANOCO. In this next term, I hope to raise more awareness of JACL, its history, and its mission among Tomo members.

Contact me at


Directors Of Cultural Affairs -

Ashley Nakazato & Tsunami tazawa

As Co-Cultural Directors, we are in charge of producing Tomo's Annual Cultural Night, with such responsibilities as, but not limited to, finding the year's coordinators for each act, booking the theater for the show, and holding practices for each act, etc. We are also responsible for promoting and maintaining Japanese/Japanese-American culture through the J-info segment during weekly meetings, in which we talk about the Japanese language and other various events/topics dealing with the Japanese/Japanese-American culture.

Contact us at

Director of Social Affairs - Julia Endow

As Director of Social Affairs, it is my duty to coordinate all weekly Tomo after events. It is my job to organize events with other clubs across the UCI campus. I also maintain close connections and collaborate with other Southern California universities through INC, the Intercollegiate Nikkei Council, in planning other outside events. Overall, my responsibility is to encourage participation and ensure that every person is enjoying their experience in Tomo.

Contact me at

Treasurer - Nicolas koyama kamitsubo

As Treasurer, I oversee all financial operations for Tomo No Kai. My responsibilities include overseeing fundraisers, finding sponsorships, and collecting membership dues. I ensure our financial records are accurate and updated, and I help with maintaining an organized roster of our general members. I also proactively seek new opportunities to improve our club’s overall financial health.

Contact me at

Secretary - Siena Kaneshiro

As Secretary, it is my responsibility to take minutes at weekly cabinet meetings, write notes on the white board during general meetings, and keep track of the general member roster. I also organize families and run the Unkie program. During spring quarter, I oversee elections and plan Semi, the end of the year banquet.

Contact me at

Historian - Yuri Fukuda

As Historian, I am in charge of photographing events as well as creating and maintaining our newsletter Tomo No Times, social media accounts, and website. During winter quarter, I host the Day of Remembrance event, which is an event that is meant to acknowledge the time Japanese Americans spent time in the internment camps.

Contact me at


Publicity Coordinators -

cassidy Kinoshita & Cedric Buenviaje

As Publicity Coordinators, it is our responsibility to promote the club and its fun events through social media posts, our official website, and the posters that you see on campus! It’s our job to be approachable during boothing events as to provide a friendly environment for potential members. Some of the events we’re in charge of include the Anteater Involvement Fair and Winter Involvement Fair.

Contact us at

Sports Coordinator - Brandon nguyen

As Sports Coordinator, I am in charge of all the Intramural and Intermural competitions that Tomo no Kai is involved in. I am in charge of organizing all quarterly IM sports teams and encourage all Tomo members, regardless of skill or athletic ability, to come out and play. I am also in charge of planning and hosting our annual basketball tournament, Ballin @ the ARC, which is one of the biggest tournaments in Southern California. I also coordinate with other schools like UCSD and UCLA to compete in their respective tournaments. My job is to make Tomo no Kai's sports competitive for our Tomo athletes, fun for all our general members, and worthwhile for creating bonds both on and off the court.

Contact me at

Jomo Representative - Manny flores

As the Jomo Representative, my purpose is to serve as the liaison between Tomo no Kai and Jodaiko, the Japanese drumming ensemble here at UCI, and continue fostering a positive relationship between the two sister clubs, which will be done by promoting both clubs to one another and helping out in any way possible. I hope to introduce Jodaiko members to Tomo no Kai's hospitality, and Tomo no Kai members to the art that is taiko drumming.

Contact me at